Kunsthandel Hagemeier, Frankfurt: Logo
+49 (0)69 29 41 21

Josef Scharl / Painter (1896-1954)

  • Buy the original oil painting "Young man in dark suit" (large) by Josef Scharl (Painter, Expressionism) at our gallery.
  • Buy the original oil painting "Gasworker" (large) by Josef Scharl (Painter, Expressionism) at our gallery.
  • Buy the original oil painting "Dead Soldier II" (large) by Josef Scharl (Painter, Expressionism) at our gallery.
  • Buy the original tempera "Portrait of a woman" (large) by Josef Scharl (Painter, Expressionism) at our gallery.
  • Buy the original drawing "Bold head from behind" (large) by Josef Scharl (Painter, Expressionism) at our gallery.
  • Buy the original oil painting "Man with black beard" (large) by Josef Scharl (Painter, Expressionism) at our gallery.

Museums & Exhibitions

The following list offers a selection of museums in Germany, Austria, and Switzerland that have works by Josef Scharl on display in their permanent collection or have organized solo exhibitions of his work. We will regularly update this list.


Solo Exhibitions